House Portraits
childhood home watercolor house portrait
irish castle watercolor landscape portrait
Spanish style home drawing
A sample of the 2000+ portraits I've created since 2007.
Each House Portrait is based on a customer's photo and made with transparent watercolor paint or a 4B pencil, by hand. NO computer imaging. Some show the original photo for reference only. Click to see full image.
tudor home drawing
NY central train drawing
white house garden fence watercolor house portrait
victorian mansion drawing
childhood home watercolor house portrait
newlyweds home watercolor landscape portrait
homestead drawing
Artists - Want Help?
I was a PSU Art Instructor for many years. About me.
big boy 4013 drawing
cabin in woods pencil portrait
pike place market pencil portrait
wedding dress drawing
first home watercolor house portrait
elementary school pencil portrait
arctic church watercolor church portrait
home and family pencil portrait
brick condos pencil portrait
I love lisa pencil portrait
covered bridge watercolor bridge portrait
DC brick condo pencil portrait
white farm house pencil portrait
sLZBURG watercolor houses portrait
true loves pencil portrait
family home pencil drawing
house w/landscaping pencil drawing
childhood home watercolor house portrait
Capone cell pencil portrait
couple on a harley pencil drawing
family home pencil drawing
family house garden pencil portrait
back porch watercolor house portrait
cadet uniform pencil portrait
DC house pencil portrait
firefighters watercolor vehicle portrait
brick rowhouse pencil portrait
1735 NY Avenue drawing
wedding anniversary alarm clock drawing
lake sunset watercolor landscape portrait
beach house pencil portrait
shadow home watercolor house portrait
brick house watercolor house portrait
office building watercolor house portrait
B&B watercolor house portrait